Saturday, July 28, 2012

24. Iron Chef Training.

Exercising the Cooking Skills

1. Tamale Pie

2 hours
"Beginners Southern Comfort"
This tastes so good! I didn't think I would like it, but it turned out great. The flavors of tomato, seasoned ground beef, melted cheese, beans, corn, garlic-sauted vegetables, with a dollop of sour cream and fresh avocado fill your taste buds with feelings of home and comfort. I made it with my wonderful cousin. If you decide to make this, you have to watch how soupy/wet it gets. We compensated by using a spoon to drain the excess juice, and used the excess tomato sauce as a substitute for salsa.

2. "The Creation"- Olivia original.

10 minutes
For my mother's birthday, I made her a breakfast "taco" filled with fresh avocado, scrambled eggs, garlic sauce, salsa, potatoes, cheese, and whatever else I thought would make a good addition to make a "Creation." 'Twas a success.

3. Potato Boats- Olivia original

15 minutes
I'm really proud of these. Simple and Fun. All you have to do is cook some potatoes, cut them to your liking and fill them in with salsa and broccoli. Next time I'm adding cheese and some meat.

16. Permitted!

Part 1. See you in 6 months.
Well, it took me long enough. And boy was it worth watching the cheesy instructional videos and reading (what felt like) 100 pgs. of common sense. I didn't think I would pass, but I did. It feels unreal that I can actually sit in the driver's seat! My dad predicted I wouldn't pass because it was last minute, but his doubt made my mini-victory so much sweeter. Some tips include:

1. Reviewing some online practice tests (the free ones). On my test, the first 4 questions were verbatim from Quizlet's practice cards (50 questions). Just type in your state, and then permit test.
2. Read the questions. I'm serious. Read them. They can be tricky. And think of what the DMV wants to hear. [some answers vary from what happens in reality, but we're aiming for what's in the legal books.]
3. Book an appointment and come prepared. You get to bypass all the lines and have a better chance of taking it before the DMV closes [depending on the time of course].

 You know more than you know.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The List

Welcome to my journey (Live out of the Blue). This next year I want to complete everything on the list down below. This blog will not only hold me accountable, but will also capture the memories/ achievements made over my 17th year of life. The theme of this year is Discipline and Love . The motto: Vision in Action. I must train myself to be the person I want to be, especially before I turn legal. If I meet people along the way who join me or become inspired that would be the cherry on top, but this is for me.

"#7 Be able to do this boss move in yoga"
  1. Make my bed daily.
  2. Lose 20 pounds.
  3. And eat healthy 6 out of 7 days a week.
  4. Get a 580 or above on SAT math
  5. Plan and host a fantastic Michael Jackson Party.
  6. Become a Volleyball Division 3 Athlete or better....
  7. Be able to do this boss move in yoga.
  8. Have a lead in the school musical.
  9. Get Youtube's Aman John to come talk at my school.
  10. Be able to do 17 push ups easily.
  11. Be able to do 17 pull ups.
  12. Create a piano piece for my best friends birthday.
  13. Make my best friend's bday super special.
  14. Make my brother's bday super special.
  15. Plan and Have an inspiring trip with my peer group.
  16. Get my drivers license.
  17. Be in charge of my own calendar.
  18. Write my three essays before school starts.
  19. No last minute Sally.
  20. Use my massaging skills to raise money for a worthy cause. And not be embarrassed by it.
  21. Go to a restaurant and only speak in accents.
  22. Plan a trip out of Prom.
  23. Learn how to say the alphabet backwards.
  24. Cook for my family and others.
  25. Find a place to look at the stars.
  26. Get makeup done by teapartyfrezy [].
  27. Make my own youtube channel.
  28. Become a master at the harmonica.
  29. Straight A's for one quarter. Deans List every quarter.
  30. Be consistent [arriving on time, turning things in on time].
  31. Have a system with my checkbook.
  32. Plan a trip for some kids in my church.
  33. Plan a trip for someone else
  34. Figure out if Christianity is the way. (i.e. Research and Study faiths). Idnk why this isn't #1
  35. Do difficult challenges with a smile on my face.
  36. Stay in contact with old friends.
  37. Read 50 books/stories. (non-school)
  38. Collect quotes to use on the fly.
  39. Babysit for free sometimes.
  40. Train my brain with Lumosity.
  41. Run around the Rosebowl without stopping and under 30 minutes.
  42. Choreograph a Dance. [1 for others, and one tap solo]
  43. Paint a masterpiece with my feet.
More to come/edit.